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Common SQL Job Interview Questions

Congratulations! Your SQL skills were strong enough to get you that job interview! Now, if you only knew what SQL questions and practical exercises a recruiter might ask you to do…

This article is meant as a SQL practice for interviews. I’ll help you prepare for the SQL and database aspects of your job interview.

Knowing SQL opens up opportunities in and out of IT, as this query language is used practically everywhere. Let’s say you finally made your decision to use your SQL skills in a new job. Before you can start, though, you need to get through the job interview.

Your interviewer may use several kinds of SQL whiteboard questions: sometimes you’ll be asked to describe the differences between two elements; sometimes you’ll have to tell them the result of a specific query; you may even have to write some simple code.

This sounds stressful, but don’t worry too much. The best way to prepare for an interview is tons of practice. I recommend the SQL Practice track at It contains over 800 interactive SQL exercises to help you review and practice SQL before an interview.

In this article, I’ll help you prepare for the by going over some common questions and SQL exercises that recruiters use during the interview process.

Theoretical SQL Questions for Job Interviews

First, let’s focus on the more theoretical side of SQL. To assess your understanding here, the recruiter will likely ask you to verbally explain some simpler questions. These are usually mainly about the elementary parts of SQL. For example, you might be asked to answer some of the following SQL whiteboard questions:

Can you answer every question from my SQL practice for interviews? Click on each question to go to the article that discuss each topic in detail. Remember that even basic questions need good preparation and a lot of practice. Our online courses can help you brush up on any semi-forgotten skills.

Practical SQL Exercises for Interview

Technical job interviews often have a practical side. This is where you need to prove your SQL skills as you would use them in real life – apart from answering typical SQL whiteboard questions, you’ll be asked to write a SQL statement, check a query for mistakes, or determine the result of a given query.

Below, I’ve copied ten SQL exercises of the types you might do on a technical job interview. They are sorted from easy to hard.

1: Students in the Same City as Their School

Write an SQL statement that lists school names, student names, and their cities only if the school and the student are in the same city and the student is not from New York.

Table: school
school_id       school_name                    city  
-----------     ------------------       ----------  
1               Stanford                   Stanford    
2               University of Cali    San Francisco       
3               Harvard University         New York      
4               MIT                          Boston       
5               Yale                      New Haven        
Table: student
student_id   student_name  city           school_id
-----------  ------------  ----------   -----------
1001         Peter Brebec  New York              1
1002         John Goorgy   San Francisco         2
2003         Brad Smith    New York              3
1004         Fabian Johns  Boston                5
1005         Brad Cameron  Stanford              1
1006         Geoff Firby   Boston                5
1007         Johnny Blue   New Haven             2
1008         Johse Brook   Miami                 2


FROM school
JOIN student
ON school.school_id = student.school_id
AND != 'New York';

2: Courses and Their Maximum Scores

Write an SQL statement that lists student names, course names, course lecturers, and the max amount of points for all courses except Computer Science and any courses with a max score between 100 and 200.

Table: course
course_id  course_name          max_score    lecturer
----------  ----------            ----------   -----------  
 11         Math                  130          Christena Solem 
 12         Computer Science      150          Jaime Pille 
 13         Biology               300          Carrol Denmark 
 14         Geography             220          Yuette Galang 
 15         Physics               110          Colton Rather 
 16         Chemistry             400          Nan Mongeau 
Table: student
student_id   student_name    city           course_id
-----------  ------------    ----------    -----------
2001         Thurman Thorn   New York               11
2002         Sharda Clemens  San Francisco          12
2003         Buck Elkins     New York               13
2004         Fabian Johns    Boston                 15
2005         Brad Cameron    Stanford               11
2006         Sofia Roles     Boston                 16
2007         Rory Pietila    New Haven              12


FROM course
JOIN student
ON course.course_id = student.course_id
WHERE course_name != 'Computer Science'
AND max_score BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

3: Find the Error in the Query

What is wrong with this SQL query?

SELECT Id, name, YEAR(BillingDate) AS Year 
FROM Records
WHERE Year >= 2010

Answer: You can't use an alias in the WHERE clause. You have to use the full expression, YEAR(BillingDate).

SELECT id, name
FROM students
WHERE grades = 
             (SELECT MAX(grades)
              FROM students
              GROUP BY subject_id;);

Answer: There is an additional semicolon ; within the subquery. You should only put the semicolon at the end of the query.

4: Find the Result of the Query

Given the following tables …

Table: worker
id    name
---   -----------      
1     Guillermo Sparks
2     Gene	Roberts
3     Ally Jones
4     Bryant Summers
5     Candice Green
Table: departments
id    name            manager_id
---   -------------    --------- 
1     Financial               3        
2     Strategy                5        
3     IT                      1        
4     Marketing            NULL     

… What will be the result of the query below?

SELECT name 
FROM worker 
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT manager_id FROM departments);


Gene Roberts
Bryant Summers

5: Find the Highest Salary in Each Department

The employee table has the following attributes: name, dept_id, and salary. Write a query that shows the highest salary in each department.


FROM employee
GROUP BY dept_id;

6: Find Current Date

Write an SQL query that displays the current date.


SELECT current_date;

7: Age of customers

Write a query to calculate the current age each customer in a Customers table.


    FLOOR(DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), BirthDate) / 365) AS Age
FROM Customers;

8: Find Duplicate Rows

Write an SQL query to find duplicate rows in two tables (employee and workers).


FROM employee
FROM workers;

9: Courses with Three or More Students

Write a query that lists courses’ subject names and the number of students taking the course only if the course has three or more students enrolled.

Table: subject
subject_id  subject_name       max_score        lecturer
----------  ----------         ----------       -----------  
 11         Math                    130         Christena Solem 
 12         Computer Science         50         Jaime Pille 
 13         Biology                 300         Carrol Denmark 
 14         Geography               220         Yuette Galang 
 15         Physics                 110         Colton Rather 
 16         Chemistry               400         Nan Mongeau
Table: student
student_id   student_name       city           subject_id
-----------  ------------       ----------    -----------
2001         Thurman Thorn      New York               11
2002         Sharda Clemens     San Francisco          12
2003         Buck Elkins        New York               13
2004         Fabian Johns       Boston                 15
2005         Brad Cameron       Stanford               11
2006         Sofia Roles        Boston                 16
2007         Rory Pietila       New Haven              12
2008         Cicely Weish       Tulsa                  14
2011         Richard Curtin     Boston                 11
2012         Kassy Ledger       Stanford               11
2013         Henry Ledger       Miami                  13
2014         Darius Fidzberg    San Francisco          12
2015         Darcey Fiorillo    Chicago                14


FROM subject
JOIN student 
ON subject.subject_id = student.subject_id
GROUP BY subject_name
HAVING COUNT(student_id) >= 3;

10: Average Age of Employees in Each Company

Write a query that displays the average age of workers in each company. The result should show the name of the company and the average age of the company’s workers.

Table: company
id     name
------ -------------
    1  Amazon
    2  Samsung
    3  LG
    4  Kia
    5  Lenovo
Table: workers
id      name                             age     company_id
------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------
    1   Derick Davison                    20            5
    2   Bari Becnel                       50            1
    3   Maddie Mueller                    33            2
    4   Eva Emrich                        23            1
    5   Katelyn Kunze                     55            3
    6   Hue Hover                         26            2
    7   Lucas Lout                        57            4
    8   Granville Grande                  30            5
    9   Robt Rude                         39            3
   10   Lisha Lewin                       25            4
   11   Aron Atlas                        52            3
   12   Chester Coddington                44            4
   13   Diedre Dominy                     31            1
   14   Evie Edgell                       35            2
   15   Judy Johanson                     36            5


FROM company
JOIN workers
ON = workers.company_id

Ace Your Interview with the SQL Practice Track

Preparing for SQL job interviews requires more than just understanding theory—you need hands-on practice to tackle real-world challenges. The SQL Practice Track at is designed to strengthen your query-writing skill. The track offers over 1,000 coding challenges across 10 courses, covering fundamental topics such as SELECT statements, JOIN, aggregation with GROUP BY and HAVING, and subqueries, including correlated subqueries.

Each course provides real-life problem-solving scenarios, allowing you to apply your knowledge in practical contexts. By engaging with these exercises, you'll build confidence, improve your proficiency, and be well-prepared to showcase your SQL skills in any interview setting. Give yourself the competitive edge needed to succeed.