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24 Feb 2021
Jakub Romanowski
SQL Terms Beginners Should Know - Part 3
This is the third part of my list of essential SQL terms for beginners. In the first, you learned what tables, relational databases, and queries are. In the second part of the tutorial, I told you about aliases, SQL JOINs, primary keys, and subqueries. Now, it's time for more advanced database terms. But don't be afraid! I won’t crush you with scientific definitions. I will explain everything simply so that you can easily understand.
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23 Feb 2021
Kate Stolarek
How to Use SQL to Filter Your Client Email Database
Looking for ways to be on friendly terms with your email database? Here's my way of using SQL to evaluate a promotion. A client database plays an essential role in developing your sales and marketing strategies. Having a clear and well-structured database has several benefits. For example, you can increase your company's revenue by managing your current and new clients – they can be monitored and offered special promotions. Moreover, such an effort develops customer satisfaction and increases value for your current customers.
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19 Feb 2021
Karolina Niewiarowska
Learn SQL And Start Your Journey Towards Personal Growth
Are you at the start of your career, unsure of the skills employers value most? Or perhaps you’re experienced but feel it’s time to refresh your skillset. Learning SQL can open doors to new opportunities. Keep reading to discover why SQL is essential for both personal and professional growth. Regardless of your career stage, you cannot neglect your personal development. Whoever does not move forward falls behind. As you start learning new things, new opportunities will open up for you, both in your personal and professional life.
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18 Feb 2021
Kamila Ostrowska
How to Practice PostgreSQL Online
PostgreSQL is hot right now!If you want to join a community of people passionate about data, this open-source database system is something you need to try. Like everything we teach on, PostgreSQL requires practice. To profit from Postgres – as this dialect is sometimes called – you need to start with the basics. You can watch some tutorials on YouTube or read articles to get to know what a Database Management System (DBMS) is.
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16 Feb 2021
Marija Ilic
What Is GROUP BY in SQL?
GROUP BY is a great SQL feature that allows you to perform powerful calculations on grouped data. Do you want to learn how to get powerful insights from your data? Would you like to know what GROUP BY does and when you should use it? If your answer is yes, keep reading. In this article, you will learn exactly that. Why You Need GROUP BY In today's digitized world – no matter what business you are in – database tables are usually huge, with millions of records.
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12 Feb 2021
Tihomir Babic
6 Advanced SQL Queries for Analyzing Financial Data
Are you an advanced SQL user who’s new to finance? Do you want to learn how to use your knowledge to analyze financial data? The article will give you some guidance. You probably know that SQL is a potent tool for analyzing all sorts of data. The bigger and more complex data, the more beneficial SQL becomes. In certain situations, financial data can be very complicated; producing a sophisticated analysis requires sophisticated tools.
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11 Feb 2021
Kateryna Koidan
Enumerate and Explain All the Basic Elements of an SQL Query
“What are the basic elements of an SQL query?” is a popular SQL job interview question. In this article, we review the basic syntax of an SQL query. An SQL query, which requests information from a relational database, consists of several elements. These allow you to select specific columns from specific tables and to filter and sort this information if necessary. In this article, I’ll briefly review these elements by explaining what each element does and how to use it.
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10 Feb 2021
Tihomir Babic
Want to Learn Advanced PostgreSQL? Try This!
Why and how should you learn advanced PostgreSQL? I’ll give you some tips that will help you achieve your goals. Keeping up with technology is hard; anyone who has foolishly tried to do so can confirm this (me, for example!). Most of the time, it just doesn't work. And to be brutally honest, keeping up with all the technologies all the time is pointless. You shouldn’t know everything about everything; it’s better to know as much as you need within the technology you use or want to use.
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9 Feb 2021
Kateryna Koidan
What Does ORDER BY Do?
When analyzing data, it often helps to have rows ordered in a specific way. In this article, I’ll use multiple examples to show how SQL ORDER BY sorts data according to one or more columns in ascending or descending order. Introduction to ORDER BY By default, the order of rows in the output of an SQL query is arbitrary. If you want to sort the output in a particular order, you’ll need to use the ORDER BY keyword.
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5 Feb 2021
Jakub Romanowski
How to Import CSVs to PostgreSQL Using PgAdmin
Do you work with data and use CSV files? Here is a practical guide on how to import a CSV file into a PostgreSQL database using pgAdmin, one of the best PostgreSQL editors on the market. Let's get right into importing CSVs into a Postgres database. We’ll start by explaining what a CSV file is, then we’ll introduce you to pgAdmin and show you how to do the import process.
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