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19 Jan 2021
Andrew Bone
What Is the SQL WHERE Clause?
The WHERE clause is a fundamental part of SQL. This clause filters results and applies conditions to SQL queries. It is most commonly used alongside the SELECT statement. If you’re a complete newcomer to this topic, you can learn the basics of SQL, including WHERE, in our SQL Basics course This article will clearly explain how to use WHERE in a SQL query. After reading it, you’ll have the confidence and knowledge to integrate WHERE into your daily work.
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14 Jan 2021
Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń
2021 Monthly SQL Practice and New 2020 Practice Course
Did you know that provides a monthly SQL Challenge? Every month, we publish a new set of SQL practice exercises. Find out what to expect from our SQL challenges in 2021. Here at, we believe that the best way to learn SQL is through practice. After all, writing SQL is a practical skill. That’s why all our SQL courses (and there are over 30 of them!) are interactive: You learn SQL by writing SQL code.
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14 Jan 2021
Kateryna Koidan
What’s the Difference Between SQL CTEs and Views?
SQL views vs. CTEs: What do they do? How are they different? Which one should you use and when? Get your answers here! In SQL, both CTEs (common table expressions) and views help organize your queries, leading to cleaner and easier-to-follow code. However, there are some important differences between them. This article will walk you through several examples of CTEs and views and explain when to use each one.
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13 Jan 2021
Kateryna Koidan
Get to know the details of LEFT JOIN, one of the most common SQL JOIN types. SQL is mainly about getting data from databases. Very often, you’ll need data to be combined from multiple tables in your database. That’s when JOINs come into play. LEFT JOIN is one of the JOIN types that you are likely to use very often. In this article, I’ll explain the syntax of LEFT JOIN and how it works using several examples and illustrations.
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12 Jan 2021
Jakub Romanowski
Best SQL Video Tutorials for 2021
Ready for this year’s picks for the best YouTube SQL video tutorials? Here are our top 5 choices! It's been well over a year since I last wrote about SQL tutorials on YouTube. Those seven channels can help you learn the basics of SQL quite painlessly, but now it's time to add to that list with 2021’s top contenders. Which YouTube SQL tutorials are worth your time and attention? I’ve got my favorites, but first, let’s consider an important question:
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8 Jan 2021
Martyna Sławińska
What Is Auto-Increment in SQL?
In this article, we’ll learn the basics of the auto-increment feature of SQL: what it is and how to use it efficiently. One of the many features offered by SQL is auto-increment. It allows us to automatically generate values in a numeric column upon row insertion. You could think of it as an automatically supplied default value – the next number in a number sequence – that’s generated when the row is inserted.
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5 Jan 2021 Team
Course of the Month: Standard SQL Functions
Are you dreaming of becoming a data analyst? Or maybe you just want to work effectively with your company’s databases? You can – with SQL functions. We’ve selected Standard SQL Functions to be our January 2021 SQL Course of the Month. What will you find inside? I asked Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń, Vertabelo's Chief Content Officer, about it. Here's what she said. What are SQL functions? The term reminds me of SELECT or JOIN.
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1 Jan 2021
Tihomir Babic
SQL JOIN Tips for Beginners
If you’re a beginner and want to know how to start using SQL JOINs in your queries, you’ve come to the right place. Using the SQL JOIN clause is necessary if you want to query multiple tables. Sooner or later, you’ll have to use more than one table in a query. It’s the nature of relational databases in general – they consist of data that’s usually saved in multiple tables; in turn, these form a database.
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31 Dec 2020 Team
Why Learn SQL This New Year?
In answering this question, we’ll take a look at the idea behind New Year’s resolutions, explore what SQL is, and see why learning it should be your goal for 2021. We’ve all heard of New Year’s resolutions, and we all have personal experience of how difficult it can be to see them through to a successful conclusion. We’ll examine the history of New Year’s resolutions, why they often fail, and how to ensure your resolution for learning SQL in 2021 doesn’t meet with the same fate as so many others that never made it past the end of January.
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25 Dec 2020
Ignacio L. Bisso
What Is a Database Index?
Database indexes are critical to query speed and efficiency. Learn when, why, and how to use them – and when not to – in this post. Indexes are very important database objects; they optimize data access and improve database performance by helping the database execute SQL queries faster. Why not take this opportunity to learn how indexes work and how to create them? What Is a Database Index? Indexes are data structures that can increase a database’s efficiency in accessing tables.
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