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11 Sep 2020
Arleta Więch
Top 5 Beginner Online SQL Courses in 2020
Looking for an exciting new career? Data analysis won’t disappoint you! The simplest way to make this possible is by learning SQL, and online SQL courses are the most effective learning method. Don’t know where to start? Here’s an overview of the best online SQL courses for complete beginners. There are infinite reasons for changing your industry. You may want to land a new job because you’re burnt out. You may be bored and want something more challenging.
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10 Sep 2020
Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń
Creating SQL Courses: Behind the Scenes at
Take a peek behind the scenes and learn our secret for creating great SQL courses! Have you ever wondered how courses are created? Are we looking at a lot of hard work or just a bit of magic? Or maybe both? Here’s a hint: we rely on proven methods to create user-friendly online courses. But it’s not easy! Read on to see the 8 steps we take when creating a new SQL course.
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9 Sep 2020
Rebecca McKeown
Why and How to Find Freelance SQL Jobs
If Covid-19 has you all “I-want-to-stop-working-for-the-man-and-enjoy-a-more-fulfilling-life-as-the-master-of-my-own-destiny”, then I’ve got news for you. Not only is it possible to be an SQL freelancer, it’s also a potentially lucrative and liberating career move. It will allow you to work for a diverse range of clients and march to the beat of your own drum. Of course, SQL freelancing isn’t for everyone. You will need a strong sense of self-motivation, some serious hustling skills, and the ability to sell yourself and your services as THE ABSOLUTE BEST all the time, every time - day in, day out.
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8 Sep 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
Seven Examples Using MySQL Window Functions
Window functions are an advanced SQL feature available in most popular databases. MySQL had not supported them for a long time, but that changed in Version 8.0. They are helpful not only for analysts and people who create reports, but also for other professionals who use databases to select data needed. In this article, we explain the syntax of some popular window functions with practical examples. What Is a Window Function?
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4 Sep 2020
Marija Ilic
What a Moving Average Is and How to Compute it in SQL
Want to dive deep into time series data and examine long-term trends? Want to know what a moving average is and how to compute it in SQL? Then this article is for you. I’ll explain a powerful feature in SQL called window functions and show how you can calculate moving averages using them. The best way to learn about SQL window functions is the interactive Window Functions course at LearnSQL.
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2 Sep 2020
Zahin Rahman
How to Find Duplicate Values in SQL — The Ultimate Guide
Find duplicate values in SQL efficiently and avoid wasting resources. This article demonstrates how to locate and address duplicate records using SQL's GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. Database best practices usually dictate having unique constraints (such as the primary key) on a table to prevent the duplication of rows when data is extracted and consolidated. However, you may find yourself working on a dataset with duplicate rows. This could be because of human error, an application bug, or uncleaned data that’s been extracted and merged from external sources, among other things.
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1 Sep 2020 Team
Course of the Month: Analyzing Revenue Trends in SQL
We work hard, we learn SQL, and we develop professionally. But why? For our own satisfaction, but also for money! The knowledge of SQL will increase your income significantly. If you are proficient in SQL, you can better analyze your company's revenue. How? I asked Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń, Chief Content Officer at Vertabelo. In this article, she answers your questions about our September SQL Course of the Month: Analyzing Revenue Trends in SQL.
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28 Aug 2020
Adrian Więch
How CTEs Work
The SQL language offers a feature named Common Table Expressions, or CTEs. Also known as WITH clauses, CTEs are a fairly new addition to SQL. They help you break longer queries into smaller chunks, making your queries much easier to understand. Read the article to find out how to use CTEs and how they differ from traditional subqueries. Common Table Expressions (CTEs), which are essentially named subqueries, were first mentioned in the SQL standard between 1999 and 2000.
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27 Aug 2020
Ignacio L. Bisso
How Does SQL GROUP BY Work?
Grouping results is a powerful SQL feature that allows you to compute key statistics for a group of records. GROUP BY is one of SQL’s most powerful clauses. It allows you to see data in a new way and find key metrics (like the average, maximal, and minimal values in a group of records). Without GROUP BY, all the results we obtain are oriented to records. With GROUP BY, we can create groups of records and calculate metrics on each group.
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26 Aug 2020
Kateryna Koidan
SQL CTEs Explained with Examples
Learn how you can leverage the power of Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to improve the organization and readability of your SQL queries. The commonly used abbreviation CTE stands for Common Table Expression. To learn about SQL Common Table Expressions through practice, I recommend the interactive Recursive Queries course at It contains over 100 hands-on exercises on simple and complex recursive CTEs. What does a CTE do? Why might you want to use one in your SQL code?
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