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4 Aug 2020 Team
Course of the Month: Recursive Queries
Recursive Queries is one of SQL’s more advanced features. You could say they divide SQL users into beginners and experts. But how do you learn recursive queries? And why do you need them, anyway? Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń, Chief Content Officer at Vertabelo, is here to help. In this article, she answers your questions about our August SQL Course of the Month: Recursive Queries. Recursive queries … that sounds very serious.
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31 Jul 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
The SQL HAVING Clause Explained
What is the SQL HAVING clause? Why do you need it, and where do you use it? We’ll explain HAVING in detail. HAVING is a very common clause in SQL queries. Like WHERE, it helps filter data; however, HAVING works in a different way. If you are familiar with the GROUP BY clause and have only heard about HAVING – or if you’re not familiar with HAVING at all – this article is what you need.
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30 Jul 2020
Ignacio L. Bisso
Using Subqueries in INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Statements
Did you know that subqueries can also be used in UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements? Subqueries in SQL are like building blocks that can be used in a variety of statements, not just SELECT. If you find subqueries useful in SELECT, read this article to find out how useful they can be in other instructions. You will be able to create much more complex and powerful SQL queries in no time!
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29 Jul 2020
Jakub Romanowski
Our 6 Favorite SQL Books
So you want to learn SQL and query databases? Great! Check out these six SQL books for an in-depth look at the language and you’ll be writing queries in no time! You take SQL courses, participate in internet discussions and forums, watch tutorials on YouTube... What else can you do to develop your skills? Sometimes it’s good to reach for old-fashioned sources of knowledge: SQL books. Which book(s) should you choose?
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28 Jul 2020
Adrian Więch
Who Is a Data Engineer?
A new kind of job has recently emerged in the IT world: Data Engineer. At first sight, it may seem very similar to Data Analyst or Data Scientist positions. However, our article explains all the important differences. We present the skills, tools, and everyday tasks of Data Engineers. We also explain how you can get started with this career path. Thirty years ago, we typically used terms such as “Computer Scientist” when referring to anyone working with computers.
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24 Jul 2020
Kateryna Koidan
What's the Difference Between Multiple Tables in FROM and Using JOIN?
What’s your approach to joining tables in SQL? In this article, we discuss two approaches and explain why many SQL developers have a definite preference for JOIN. Do you prefer to list multiple tables in FROM and use WHERE to set the join conditions? Or do you use the JOIN keyword? SQL supports both, but there are significant differences between them. Let’s look at each one in detail and then discuss why JOIN is generally preferred.
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23 Jul 2020
Marija Ilic
How to Analyze a Time Series in SQL
Values ordered by time are called a time series. In this article, I’ll show you the most frequent patterns and teach you how to write queries for time series in SQL with the help of window functions. Maybe you’ve had the opportunity to analyze some variables where each value was associated with a time value. Such data – where values are ordered by time – is called time series data.
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22 Jul 2020 Team’s New Learning Path: Data Engineering
Calling all future data engineers! Would you like to learn to use SQL? Then our new Data Engineering Learning Path is just for you! We’re very excited to announce the release of a new learning path at Data Engineering, published in July 2020. This is the second learning path offered in our platform. So far, we offered an analytical path, SQL Querying & Reporting, that focuses on writing queries and business reports in SQL.
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21 Jul 2020
Zahin Rahman
Now that you know SQL’s core commands, power up your queries with the GROUP BY clause and aggregate functions. GROUP BY is a SQL clause that arranges data into groups based on a common value (or values). It is widely used to obtain summary information for large datasets as well as for computing basic aggregate statistics. Once you have grasped SQL’s basic commands like SELECT, WHERE, and JOIN, mastering the GROUP BY clause can help you implement your SQL knowledge in real-world business intelligence scenarios.
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17 Jul 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
The LAG Function and the LEAD Function in SQL
LAG() and LEAD() are positional functions. A positional function is a type of window function. If you are not familiar with when and how to use them, what the syntax of each function is, why you might want to use them, and what the differences are, read on! LAG() and LEAD() are positional functions. These are window functions and are very useful in creating reports, because they can refer to data from rows above or below the current row.
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