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24 Jun 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
What’s the difference between truncating, deleting, and dropping a table in SQL? Find out in this article. There are a lot of ways to delete data in SQL, including the DELETE, TRUNCATE TABLE and DROP TABLE commands. Which one should you use in a given situation? In this article, you’ll learn the syntax of each command in different database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. And you’ll understand the DROP TABLE vs.
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23 Jun 2020
Kate Stolarek
How to Learn the SQL Syntax
Understanding the basic SQL syntax is crucial for learning SQL. Read about what SQL is, and choose the best way for you among a wide variety of possibilities for learning SQL and remembering its syntax. Learning SQL can be a bit tricky, even if people say it's an easy language, especially when it comes to its syntax. Getting the hang of basic SQL syntax is key for learning SQL, and with so many ways to learn, it's vital to pick the one that fits your style best.
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18 Jun 2020
Jakub Romanowski
A Mathematician in the World of SQL
She has a PhD in Mathematics and over 10 years’ experience teaching mathematics and computer science at the University of Warsaw. She knows SQL better than just about anyone I’ve met. Let’s get to know Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń, Vertabelo’s Chief Content Officer at Vertabelo. Let's go back in time. How did your adventure with math start? I’ve always enjoyed abstract concepts and problem solving. I was fascinated by variables when we learned to solve simple equations like x+2=5 in primary school.
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17 Jun 2020
Adrian Więch
Last-Minute Preparation Tips for a Database Class Exam
Getting to learn SQL is fun. You don’t really need to spend much time to understand some basic SQL concepts and use them fluently. If you’re a student facing your first database class exam soon, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we explain what you should focus on while learning SQL and studying for an entry-level database exam. Check your knowledge with our 10 sample questions and discover where you can find more SQL practice.
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16 Jun 2020
Tihomir Babic
How to Practice SQL Window Functions at Home
Are you looking for a way to maintain your knowledge of SQL window functions? What’s the best way to practice them at home? Here are some suggestions. Learning something new feels great, but it’s also arguably the easiest part of gaining knowledge. You’ve probably experienced that yourself. You struggle with learning an idea, and then you finally get it! There’s the feeling you’ve learned something. And then, very soon, you practically have to start all over again with the very same concepts.
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12 Jun 2020
Jakub Romanowski
Top SQL Social Media Groups & Channels to Follow
We get news, advice, and funny videos from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Why not use social media to help you learn SQL? You wake up and the first thing you do is check for Facebook notifications. Do you take a photo of your breakfast and share it with friends on Instagram? Maybe you argue with someone on Twitter about which James Bond was the best? Or maybe you are recording a short TikTok video of you singing Lady Gaga?
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11 Jun 2020
Kamil Bladoszewski
What’s an SQL Inline Query?
Have you ever heard the term “inline query”? How are they different from subqueries and derived tables? Have you looked this up in numerous places and still don’t know the answer? Let’s embark on a journey and find out together! The first time I heard the term “inline query”, I was a little bit surprised. It doesn’t sound like one of SQL’s nuances and I thought I knew all the basic concepts.
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10 Jun 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
New Course Series: Monthly SQL Challenges
SQL learners sometimes need challenges. Do you want to test your problem-solving skills or your knowledge of SQL? Then take our monthly SQL Challenges! We prepare them on every month. Each Challenge relates to a different interesting topic and will help you keep your SQL game sharp. In this article, you'll discover what our Monthly Challenges are and where to find them. We’ll also look at the Challenges collected in our Monthly SQL Challenge Mini Track.
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9 Jun 2020
Kateryna Koidan
Practical Examples of When to Use Non-Equi JOINs in SQL
If you think that two tables in SQL can be joined only using the common field, you will be excited to learn that there are other ways of joining. Non-equi JOINs use different kinds of comparison operators in the JOIN condition. In this article, I’ll guide you through non-equi JOIN examples to show the common use cases for this type of JOIN. Equi JOIN vs. Non-Equi JOIN How do you usually join two tables in SQL?
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4 Jun 2020
Pierre Timms
How to Convince Your Boss You Need SQL Training
Learning SQL is a great goal. Now, if you could only convince your boss that it’s good for the company as well as for you ... You’re aware of the benefits of adding SQL to your skill set. You believe that the rewards gained from you learning SQL will also benefit your employer – it’s not just another way for you to develop your professional profile. But how do you articulate this to your boss?
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