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20 Mar 2020 Team
Stay at Home and Learn SQL for Free with
Working remotely is a dream come true for some. You ditch commuting and have more time for the people you love and the things you enjoy. For others, it's a challenge to maintain their focus when there are new distractions. It's also an opportunity to invest the few gained hours in learning something new. Staying at home can be a time when you might find yourself busier than you've ever been, but not getting many things done, and worse, not learning what you planned to.
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19 Mar 2020
Kate Stolarek
Video Tutorial or Interactive SQL Course – Which Is Better?
Are you ready to get started with SQL but unsure which learning method is the most effective? In this post, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of learning SQL from an instructional video vs. an interactive online course. Are you a chronic Internet-using student who’s planning to learn SQL? Maybe you did some research but still don’t know which kind of training is worth your (limited) time. We all have families, hobbies, and other after-work commitments, and finding the right resource for learning SQL will save you some time.
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18 Mar 2020
Tetyana Skorykh
How Will Learning SQL Improve My Daily Work?
Whether you're focused on advancing your career, mastering in-demand skills, or exploring something new and captivating, learning SQL is key to your progress. This vital skill makes professional life more manageable and also sets you up for success in a data-centric world. Are you thinking of learning SQL but aren’t sure if it's a good idea? If you’re not in a data- or IT-related job, learning SQL may seem completely useless.
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17 Mar 2020
Pierre Timms
How to Start Writing SQL Reports
So, you’ve started, or want to start, learning SQL. You understand that a database is a repository for raw data and that data in business forms the backbone of the decision-making process. But how do you gain meaningful insights from raw data? How can you take a vast amount of information from a database and use SQL to give it a real-world utilization? Learn how to write SQL reports!
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11 Mar 2020
Rebecca McKeown
Learning SQL? 14 Ways to Practice SQL Online
If you’re currently learning SQL, you may have found yourself knee-deep in reading material and wondering how on earth you can bridge the gap between book knowledge and real-life SQL application. In this article, we bring you 14 of the most effective ways to practice SQL online – taking you from a bookworm to a database butterfly in no time at all! “All theory and no practice will make you a frustrated SQL user!
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10 Mar 2020
Kateryna Koidan
How to LEFT JOIN Multiple Tables in SQL
Can you LEFT JOIN three tables in SQL? Yes, indeed! You can use multiple LEFT JOINs in one query if needed for your analysis. In this article, I will go through some examples to demonstrate how to LEFT JOIN multiple tables in SQL and how to avoid some common pitfalls when doing so. The best way to practice different types of joins is our interactive SQL JOINs course. It contains over 90 hands-on exercises that cover simple 2-table joins, joining multiple tables, LEFT JOIN, FULL JOIN, and many more.
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5 Mar 2020
Tihomir Babic
Best Online SQL Courses for Finance & Economics Majors
Are you studying finance and wondering how you can use your knowledge in this technical world? Maybe you’ve just started working as a data analyst and you want to bring new tools and skills to your workplace? This article could help you with the list of the SQL courses worth trying. Maybe you’re studying finance and find your studies too theoretical. How will you put this knowledge into practice?
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4 Mar 2020
Marija Ilic
Should I Learn SQL as a Data Analyst?
So, you are a data analyst—someone who relies on data. You like to gather, clean, and transform data and come to conclusions based on data. You are a data detective. Which tool do you choose to do your job in an elegant, reproducible, and simple way? Excel? R? Python? Or should you learn SQL? Stay tuned! In this article, I will explain why SQL is a must-have skill for data analysts.
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3 Mar 2020
Jakub Romanowski
Top 10 Websites That Will Help You Find the Perfect SQL Job
People learn SQL for many reasons. In my case, I wanted to find a better job that would allow me to earn more and have more free time. But where do you find such a job? Here is my list of the 10 best websites with database jobs. Although SQL is over 40 years old, it is appearing in more and more job advertisements. Data has become an essential tool for businesses, and they are looking for people to squeeze every bit of information from their databases.
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26 Feb 2020
Jakub Romanowski
How to Stay Healthy When Learning SQL
So, maybe you’re learning SQL. Congratulations! Or maybe you already work as a data analyst, DBA, or data scientist. That’s great too! Either way, you are most likely spending hours in front of a computer. I will give you tips on how to avoid bad habits and take care of your health while learning and/or working with SQL. Have you ever wondered how sitting in front of a computer affects your health?
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