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9 Nov 2017
Alex Briggs
5 Great Benefits of Learning SQL
If you want your business to succeed, understanding your data is crucial—and that’s why learning SQL is so important. But there are other reasons to learn it that might not be so obvious. In this article, I’ll show you 5 key benefits of learning SQL! Don’t fall for the common trap—analyzing data isn’t just a concern for those competing at national or corporate levels. In fact, all businesses have plenty of data that they can use to potentially improve their workflow.
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25 Oct 2017
Dorota Wdzięczna
16 SQL Interview Questions for Business Analysts
For business analysts, SQL skills are incredibly important. That’s why SQL interview questions are a major part of the hiring process. These questions test key SQL concepts and how they apply to data analysis. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common SQL interview questions for business analysts. Our goal is to give you the insights you need to do well in your interview and move forward in your career.
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18 Oct 2017
Ignacio L. Bisso
Learn SQL Views in 30 Minutes
Views aren't complicated – if you've got half an hour, we'll get you started writing SQL queries using views! Let's start by answering the question "What is a view in SQL?'. A view is a database object (as is a table, an index, or a stored procedure). Like a table, you can query a view and extract the information in it. It can be used in the FROM clause of a SELECT, and you can reference view columns in clauses like SELECT, WHERE and GROUP BY among other clauses as well.
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16 Oct 2017
Aldo Zelen
How to Organize SQL Queries with CTEs
Common table expressions (CTEs) allow you to structure and organize SQL queries. Knowing how to organize SQL queries is a necessity when you begin to move deeper into SQL, so if you want to become an SQL master, you need to know CTEs. The SQL CTE has been part of standard SQL for some time now. CTEs – which are also called WITH statements – are available in all major RDBMS.
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12 Oct 2017
Ignacio L. Bisso
SQL Window Functions By Explanation
In our previous post, we explained how SQL window functions work by example. We started with some very simple, basic functions. Let's extend it by explaining subclauses in window functions. SQL window functions are a great way to compute results from a set of rows rather than a single row. As you know from our first article, the "window" in window function refers to the set of rows. We showed you some examples of simple window functions like RANK and LEAD.
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10 Oct 2017
Aldo Zelen
Long SQL Query vs. Recursive SQL Query
Recursion is one of the central ideas in computer science. We can define it as a method for solving problems where the solution of the problem depends on solving a smaller instance of a problem. If this sounds complicated do not fret, in this article we will learn about recursion in SQL that you can practice and deepen at Recursion is a way of solving hierarchical problems we find in data with common SQL.
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28 Sep 2017
Dorota Wdzięczna
An Illustrated Guide to Multiple Join
So far, our articles in the "An Illustrated Guide" series have explained several join types: INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs (LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN), CROSS JOIN, self-join and non-equi join. In this final article of the series, we show you how to create SQL queries that match data from multiple tables using one or more join types. Join Types in SQL Queries Before we start discussing example SQL queries that use multiple join types, let's do a short recap of the join types we've covered so far, just to be sure you understand the differences.
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24 Sep 2017
Dorota Wdzięczna
An Illustrated Guide to the SQL Non Equi Join
Did you know that in SQL, a join doesn’t have to be based on identical matches? In this post, we look at the SQL non equi join, which uses ‘non-equal’ operators to match records. We’ve already discussed several types of joins, including self joins and CROSS JOIN, INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN. These types of joins typically appear with the equals sign (=). However, some joins use conditions other than the equals (=) sign.
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21 Sep 2017
Dorota Wdzięczna
An Illustrated Guide to the SQL Self Join
What is an SQL self join and how does it work? When should it be used? We’ll provide answers to those questions! In SQL, we can combine data from multiple tables by using a JOIN operator. JOIN has several variants; we’ve already discussed CROSS JOIN, INNER JOIN, and OUTER JOIN. Most of the time, these operators join data from two or more different tables. You can practice all the different types of JOINs in our interactive SQL JOINs course.
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4 Sep 2017
Marija Ilic
How to Track Down Duplicate Values in a Table
When it comes to information management, duplicates present one of the most common challenges to data quality. In this article, I'll explain how it is possible to find and distinguish duplicate names with the help of the SQL data programming language. I really like my maiden name. The reason I like it so much is because it's rare. My maiden name (first with last) provided a unique identifier on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and similar.
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